Updated Reference to USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops, Includes Wilton, Connecticut, Pearl S Buck International

February 27, 2015 § Leave a comment

August 21, 2015, Updated from February 27, 2015, Here is updated link to Wikipedia Sixties Scoops entry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixties_Scoop

Updated Link to Sixties Scoops finally includes 1. reference to victims of Canada Scoops placed in USA, a.k.a., USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops, 2. reference to 1st USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canadian Scoops to receive his USA Citizenship from USCIS explicitly on basis of being a victim of that particular genocide, 3. reference to the town of Wilton, Connecticut where 1st USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canada Scoops to be recognized by TRC-Canada and USCIS was 1st brought to and has since resided after being scooped from his birth home in Cold Lake Alberta, Canada, and 4. reference to how the ‘adoption’, without the consent and with the absolute dissent of his biological parents, coordinated via Pearl S. Buck International (formerly Pearl S Buck Foundation), i.e., the legal adoption, as far as USA courts are concerned, did not take placed until 2011.

1st USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canadian Scoops Added To Notable “Scoops” Section

February 23, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 23, 2015, Here is updated link to Wikipedia Sixties Scoops entry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixties_Scoop

Sub-Section of this page Notable “Scoops” now references 1st USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canadian Scoops.


Update to Wikipedia – Sixties Scoop Entry, Finally Acknowledges USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops

February 22, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 22, 2015, Here is updated link to Wikipedia Sixties Scoops entry, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixties_Scoop

Being as political and, as a result, malleable as Wikipedia is, these references to victims of Canada Scoops placed in USA could again be deleted (as it was in 2011) but for now, they are in. Wikipedia certainly isn’t the most reliable source of information but it does run the gamut of what information is circulating out there on a topic, and that is in and of itself has some utility.

TRC-Canada Requests Vatican Revoke 15th Century Papal Bull (1455 & 1493)

February 16, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 16, 2015, (See link to article below). TRC-Canada requests Vatican revoke 15th century papal bull that is foundation of ‘explorers rights to conquer the new world’ be revoked, the legal implications.

If you read the comments, some really express the challenges, now innate prejudices that this group of genocide victims are up against when it comes to the ‘reconciliation’ part of the ‘truth & reconciliation’ mandate, i.e., human nature, everyone is good with telling the truth but actually making effort to correct damages, more than a bit of a lag, unfortunately.


Class Action Filed Including Canada Scoop Victims Placed In USA

February 14, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 14, 2015, Another article announcing 1st class action suit filed on behalf of Victims And Survivors of Canada Scoops And that includes Canada Scoops/60’s Scoop Victims and Survivors placed in USA, a.k.a., USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops, link below.

The 1st and Only USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canada Scoops to be recognized by TRC-Canada, and on the basis of their recognition, also The 1st to receive his USA Citizenship, is not included in this suit for a few reasons, 1. he isn’t from this province so he wouldn’t be included in this suit, he would be included in a separate suit., AND 2. his legal advisors in USA have advised him, as he has told me, that these lawsuits are ‘never going to happen’ that ‘Canada Scoops never took place’, that his placement in USA ‘must have been legal (because otherwise, they say, it could not have happened),’ i.e., they seem to be suffering from that brain disease, not unlike Mad Cow, but something more like what ‘Ahmadinejad‘ suffers from.


1st Class Action Filed That References Canada’s 60’s Scoops Victims Placed In USA

February 11, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 11, 2o15, (See Huff Post – Canada Link Below). We are reaching out to the author of this Huffington Post – Canada article so that a correction can be made, i.e., in article, the journalist expresses that NO Canada Scoop Victim placed in USA has been recognized by Truth & Reconciliation Commission – Canada; That is not true, The 1st Victim of Canada Scoops placed in USA was recognized by TRC-Canada in 2012, and his files via TRC-Canada are archived within National Archives of Canada. More: it was only based on TRC-Canada recognition of him as a Victim of Canada Scoops placed in USA that this man then, subsequently and as a direct-result, received his USA Citizenship, the review and approval expedited, his violations of federal law, ‘dropped’ by USCIS. And, by ‘dropped’ I just mean, straight up over-looked because in light of him being a victim of a genocide we were able to position his experience so that those violations of federal law didn’t matter so much to the USCIS judge as his status and experience of being a recognized victim of a genocide, albeit not a genocide that until this man’s application was approved, USCIS had recognized.

This USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canadian Scoops’s file includes form that indicates his consent to have his file, including his name and photographs, to be published in public domain, i.e., in the media.


Current Mandate of TRC-Canada

February 10, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 10, 2015, Current mandate of TRC-Canada doesn’t seem to explicitly express inclusion of victims of Canada Scoops that were placed in USA or west Europe, it also doesn’t seem to explicitly express inclusion for those victims who were kept within Canada but placed in adoption and foster care instead of being placed in Indian Residential Schools within Canada.


HERE is Link To Mandate: http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/File/pdfs/SCHEDULE_N_EN.pdf




How North American Indians Saved The Sport of American Football

February 8, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 8, 2015, See Link:



Article: Compensation, Counseling Sought For ’60’s Scoop Victims

February 6, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 6, 2015, Because the mandate of TRC-Canada, as it was originally written, was less restrictive than it is now, we were able to obtain TRC-Canada recognition and on that basis USA Citizenship for the 1st USA Placed Victim-Survivor of Canadian Scoops to achieve both. However, once and probably because his applications were successful, the mandate was then edited to exclude those victims of Canada Scoops who were not kept within Canada but who were instead placed in USA and west Europe AND/OR to exclude those who were, after being scooped, placed not in residential schools but in foster care and adoption system.

This is an article I posted a year or so ago and which others have recently again asked for link to because it describes current efforts to again expand mandate of TRC-Canada so that it also, again includes these victims of Canada Scoops who were not kept within Canada but who were instead placed in USA and west Europe.


Increased Recognition of Canada Scoop Victims Placed In USA

February 6, 2015 § Leave a comment

February 6, 2015, Earlier this week I made mistake of telling some others involved in human trafficking work that it was reported that a few months ago I had ’17 hits’ on my twitter post regarding USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops; what I really meant to say was that I had more than ’17 thousand hits.’

The error, however an enormous discrepancy, reminded us all that less than a few years ago it was next to impossible, in fact it was totally impossible, for me to find even just 17 people in USA, never mind 17k throughout the world, who: 1. believed that there was such a thing as Canada Scoops, 2. believed that there was a truth & reconciliation commission taking placed in Canada to address the issue, 3. believed that some of the children taken, a.k.a., scooped, from their families were not kept within Canada but were actually placed in USA adoption and foster care system, resulting today in USA Placed Victims-Survivors of Canadian Scoops.